The Lab for Better Marketing
We employ advanced research methods from marketing, econometrics, social psychology, and neuroscience to conduct multidisciplinary studies that deepen our understanding of social processes that impact individual's behaviors.

Our research is conducted with a Sociological-centered approach, with the understanding that human behavior is inherently social.
We aim to find ways to challenge norms and biases that limit individual well-being as well as harm society and the economy in general.
We are committed to conducting our research with sustainability and ethics in mind, with the aim to have a positive impact on society and business.

Neuroelectrics Enobio 8 is a device with a temporal resolution of 500 Hz for measuring the propensity to adopt approach vs. withdrawal behavior, when observing a stimulus. Data are collected from F7 and F8 channels that are spread over the frontal lobes of
the brain using a headband. These data are later processed in the iMotion platform into a frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) indicator, which is defined as the difference between right and left alpha activity over frontal regions of the brain.

Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) measures moisture on the surface of the skin reflecting autonomic arousal by recording skin conductivity at 128 Hz using SHIMMER GSR+ units, a measure of emotional arousal

Facial expression analysis
Affectiva visual sensor to track the individual’s emotional state by tracking facial expressions when looking at a visual stimulus such as an advertisement (% of experiencing joy, sadness, anger, disgust, contempt, engagement, attention etc. at a given time).