Refereed articles in scientific journal
Friedmann, E. and Lowengart, O. (2018). The context of choice as boundary condition for gender differences in brand choice considerations. European Journal of Marketing, 52(5/6), 1280-1304. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-08-2017-0524(Citations: GS: 14, ISI: 7, JCR: IF 5.181, Q3, 99/147, SJR: Q1; ABDC Rank: A*, Excellence-list)
Friedmann, E. and Bruller, D. (2018). Is stereotypical gender targeting effective for increasing service choice? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 44, 35-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2018.05.010
(Citations: GS: 13, ISI: 9, JCR: IF 10.972, Q2, 39/147, SJR: Q1; ABDC Rank: A)
Friedmann, E. (2018). Increasing women’s participation in the STEM industry: A first step for developing a social marketing strategy. Journal of Social Marketing, 8(4), 442-460. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSOCM-12-2017-0086 (Citations: GS: 19, ISI: 6, JCR: IF 4.115, Q3,109/147, SJR: Q2; ABDC Rank: B)
Friedmann, E. and Lowengart, O. (2019). Gender segmentation to increase brand preference? The role of product involvement, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 28(3), 408-420. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBM-06-2018-1917 (Citations: GS: 26, ISI: 15, JCR: IF 5.248, Q3,161/226, SJR: Q1; ABDC Rank: A)
Cwikel, J. and Friedmann, E.(2020). E-therapy and social work practice: Benefits, barriers, and training. International Social Work, 63(6), 730-745. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020872819847747
(Citations: GS: 26, ISI: 11, JCR: IF 2.071, Q4, 34/44, SJR: Q2)
Efrat-Treister, D. , Altman, D., Friedmann, E., Lev-Arai Margalit, D., and Teodorescu, K. (2020). Exploring the usefulness of medical clowns in elevating satisfaction and reducing aggressive tendencies in pediatric and adult hospital wards. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-05987-9 (Citations: GS: 10, ISI: 5, JCR: IF 2.908, Q3,55/107, SJR: Q1)
Loureiro, S. , Roschk, H., Faizan, A., and Friedmann, E.(2021). Cognitive image, mental imagery, and responses (CI-MI-R): Mediation and moderation effects. Journal of Travel Research, 61(4), 903-920. https://doi.org/10.1177/00472875211004768 (Citations: GS: 7, ISI: 7, JCR: IF 8.933, Q1, 9/58, SJR: Q1, ABDC Rank: A*; Excellence-list)
Friedmann, E., and Cwikel, J. (2021). Women and men’s perspectives on the factors related to women's dyadic sexual desire, and on the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(22), 5321.https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10225321
(Citations: GS: 3, ISI: 2, JCR: IF 4.964, Q2, 55/172, SJR: Q1)
Friedmann, E. (2022). Problematic product management: The case of Flibanserin to address women's hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 16 (3), pp. 317-336. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPHM-01-2021-0014 (SJR: Q3; ABDC Rank:
Friedmann, E., Weiss-Sidi, M. and Vescovi, T. (2022). Do Americans seek pleasure while Chinese care about what others think? Examining two brand choice contexts. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 31(7), pp. 1104-1124. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBM-07-2021-3579 (JCR: IF 5.248, Q2,99/229, SJR: Q1, ABDC Rank: A)
Friedmann, E., Vescovi, T. and Weiss-Sidi, M. (2023). Empirical measurement of Hall’s communication styles theory: A new marketing segmentation scale. European Journal of International Management, 31. https://dx.doi.org/10.1504/EJIM.2022.10053329
(JCR: IF 2.294, Q4, 189/228, SJR: Q2)
Friedmann, E., and Efrat-Treister, D.(2023). Gender bias in STEM hiring: Implicit in-group gender favoritism among men managers. Gender & Society, 37(1), 32-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912432221137910 (JCR: IF 4.314, Q1, 3/44, SJR: Q1, ABDC Rank: A*, Excellence-list)
Loureiro, S, Friedmann, E., Breazeale, M., and Middendorf, I. (2023). How can brands encourage consumer to donate their personal data to a data-driven social partnership? examination in hedonic vs. functional product categories? Journal of Business Research, 164, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113958. (JCR: IF 10.969, SJR: Q1; ABDC Rank: A).
Rinot Levavi, L., Friedmann, E., Kalagy, T., and Cohen, C. (2023). Applying the SOR framework to mitigate single-use plastic tableware consumption and why does it work? solving the dissonance with an extended sor framework. Journal of Environmental Management, 348, 119344. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119344. (JCR: IF 8.7, Q1, 31/274, SJR: Q1).
Friedmann, E.,Weiss-Sidi, M., and Solodoha, E. (2024). Unveiling Impact Dynamics: Discriminatory Brand Advertisements, Stress Responses, and the Call for Ethical Marketing Practices, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 79, 103851. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2024.103851 (JCR: IF 10.4, Q1, 19/154, SJR: Q1, ABDC Rank: A).
Pedro, Y., and Friedmann, E., Loureiro, S. (2024). High-end fashion as a social phenomenon: exploring the perceptions of designers and consumers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2024.103877 (JCR: IF 10.4, Q1, 19/154, SJR: Q1, ABDC Rank: A)
Loureiro, S., Guerreiro, J., Friedmann, E., Lee, M.J., and Han, H. (2024). Tourists and Artificial Intelligence-LLM Interaction: The Power of Forgiveness. Current Issues in Tourism. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2024.2353872 (JCR: IF 8.0, Q1, 14/58, SJR: Q1, ABDC Rank: A).
* Since the year of BGU appointment
Book chapters
Friedmann, E., Tschisik, I., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (2021). A case study of Leonardo hotels chain marketing strategy: from Israel to Central Europe. in Vescovi, T. Intercultural Marketing: European Perspectives, Edward Elgar publishing (Book chapter).
Articles in conferences followed by published proceedings
Friedmann, E., and Vescovi, T. (2019). The influence of ads’ structure and content on purchase intentions of low and high context cultures. EURAM Proceedings.
Friedmann, E., Solodoha, E., and Efrat-Treister, D. (2020). Does it pay to offend? Short and long-term responses to offensive ads, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 48, eds. Jennifer Argo, Tina M. Lowrey, and Hope Jensen Schau, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 339-339.
Friedmann, E., Vescovi, T. and Weiss-Sidi, M. (2021). Cross-cultural market segmentation scale towards a high- and low-context culture scale. EuroMed Academy of Business (ΕMAB).
Friedmann, E., Solodoha, E. and Efrat-Treister, D. (2021). Offensive-Stereotyping Ads: Disidentification Tendency in Action, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 49, eds. Tonya Williams Bradford, Anat Keinan, and Matthew Matthew Thomson, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 264-265.
Friedmann, E., Gutman, G., Peleg, G. and Reggev, N. (2021). COVID-19 Stress and the Performance of Gender Counter-Stereotypical Behavior (Gcsb): Market Opportunities from an Overlooked Segment During the Pandemic, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 49, eds. Tonya Williams Bradford, Anat Keinan, and Matthew Matthew Thomson, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 358-359.
Avieli, L. Friedmann, E, and Weiss-Sidi, M. (2024). Gender differences in implicit and explicit contempt emotion toward'femvertising'ads featuring women with significant muscles using different ads formats, in Global Fashion Management Conference proceedings, 583-584.
Shtruli, O. Friedmann, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (2024). Gender differences in implicit and explicit disgust emotion toward ads featuring women and men models with or without body hair, in Global Fashion Management Conference proceedings, 46-47.
Noam, D. Friedmann, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (2024). Unveiling implicit responses: gendered attitudes of plus-size representation in advertising, in global fashion management conference proceedings. 10.15444/GFMC2024.06.09.02
Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars
Invited seminars
Friedmann, E. (2016). Level of involvement as a boundary condition for gender differences in the process of brand preference formation. Ben-Gurion University, Israel.
Friedmann, E. (2018). Are the brand choice considerations of men and women really different? Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Friedmann, E. (2019). Why do consumers buy products whose advertisements are offensive?” Consumer behavior workshop, Bar Ilan University, Israel.
Friedmann, E. (2020). Why do consumers buy products whose advertisements are offensive?”, Uno academic college, Israel.
Presentation of papers at conferences/meetings
Friedmann, E. (June 2017). Are the brand choice considerations of men and women really different? ISMS Marketing Science Conference, L.A., USA.
Cwikel, J. and Friedmann, E. (October 2018). E-therapy and mental health: a best-practice model and diffusion of innovation. Paper presented by Cwikel, J. at the 7th European Conference on Mental Health, Split, Croatia.
Friedmann, E. and Cwikel, J. (March 2018). The marketing of Flibanserin: men and women's perspectives on women's sexual desire. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. and Cwikel, J. at Annual Women’s Center Conference, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Friedmann, E . and Cwikel, J. (May 2018). The marketing of Flibanserin: men and women's perspectives on women's sexual desire. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. and Cwikel, J. at the Women Studies Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Friedmann, E. (July 2018). Why do consumers buy “products” whose advertisements are offensive?. The Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Tokyo, Japan.
Friedmann, E. (April 2019). Why consumers buy “products” whose advertisements are offensive? The Global Marketing Conference, Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM), NYC, USA. Best presenter certificate in branding and marketing session.
Friedmann, E. and Vescovi, T., (June 2019). The influence of ads structure and content on purchase intentions of low and high context cultures. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. and Vescovi, T. at European Academy of Management (EURAM), Lisbon, Portugal.
Friedmann, E., Solodoha, E., and Efrat Treister, D., (June 2020). Does it pay to offend: Short- and long-term reactions for offensive advertisements. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. at ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Duke University, USA (Zoom conference).
Friedmann, E., Solodoha, E., and Efrat Treister, D., (October 2020) Does it pay to offend: Short and long-term reactions for offensive advertisements. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. at ACR Conference, Paris (Zoom conference).
Friedmann, E., Solodoha, E., and Efrat Treister, D., (June 2021). Offensive ads and long-term approach toward the advertised brand by those who are discriminated against: Disidentification tendency in action. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. at ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Rochester University, USA (Zoom conference).
Friedmann, E., Vescovi, T. and Weiss-Sidi, M. (September 2021). Cross-cultural market segmentation scale towards a high- and low-context culture scale. Paper presented by Vescovi, T. at EuroMed Academy of Business (ΕMAB), (Zoom conference).
Friedmann, E., and Solodoha, E. (October 2021). Offensive-Stereotyping ads: Disidentification tendency in action. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. at ACR conference, Seattle, WA (Zoom conference).
Friedmann, E., Gutman, G., Peleg, G. and Reggev, N. (October 2021). COVID-19 stress and the performance of gender counter-stereotypical behavior (GCSB): market opportunities from an overlooked segment during the pandemic. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. at ACR conference, Seattle, WA (Zoom conference).
Pedro, Y. and Friedmann, E. (November 2021). The frontstage and backstage perceptions of fashion luxury brands by consumers and designers. Paper presented by Pedro, Y. at GFMC - Global Fashion Management Conference, South Korea (Zoom conference).
Friedmann, E., Solodoha, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (December 2022). Offensive-stereotyping ads: disidentification tendency in action. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. at Marketing in Israel conference, Ben Gurion University, Israel.
Friedmann, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (June 2022). The ‘power recovery effect’ of women-offending advertising. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. ISMS Marketing science conference, Rochester University, USA (Zoom conference).
Friedmann, E., Weiss-Sidi, M., and Peleg, G., (July 2022). Social influences on women's emotional responses to STEM: An examination of the effect of a mother's role model in STEM. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. at the 9th International Conference on Gender & Women’s Studies 2022 (GWS2022). The National University of Singapore Society (Zoom conference).
Weiss-Sidi, M., and Friedmann, E. (May 2023). The effect of role models on implicit and explicit emotional responses toward women entrepreneurs and investors. Paper presented by Weiss-Sidi, M. and Friedmann, E., at Rise Impact Conference, the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo, Israel.
Friedmann, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (May 2023). Exploring the impact of female role models on implicit negative emotions toward women in STEM. Paper presented by Friedmann, E. at the 9th International CERE Conference at University of Haifa, Israel.
Weiss-Sidi, M., and Friedmann, E. (May 2023). The effect of role models on implicit and explicit emotional responses toward women entrepreneurs and investors. Paper presented by Weiss-Sidi, M. at the 9th International CERE Conference at University of Haifa, Israel.
Pedro, Y. and Friedmann, E. (June 2023). Designers’ and consumers’ perceptions of premium and luxury: A social constructionist analysis. Paper presented by Pedro, Y. and Friedmann, E. at ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Miami Herbert Business School, Miami, USA.
Peleg, G., Friedmann, E. and Weiss-Sidi, M. (June 2023). Biological sex or gender roles? what differs purchase behavior between men and women. Paper presented by Peleg, G. at the ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Miami Herbert Business School, Miami, USA.
Pedro, Y. and Friedmann, E. (July 2023). Designers’ and consumers’ perceptions of premium and luxury: A social constructionist analysis. Paper presented by Pedro, Y. and Friedmann, E. at GMC - Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Dagan, N., Friedmann, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (July 2024). Unveiling implicit responses:
Gendered attitudes of plus-size representation in advertising. Paper presented by Weiss-Sidi, M. at the GFMC - Global Fashion Management Conference, University of Milan, Italy.
Stroli, O., Friedmann, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (July 2024). Gender differences in implicit disgust emotion toward ads featuring women and men models with or without body hair. Paper presented by Stroli, O.(MBA student) at the GFMC - Global Fashion Management Conference, University of Milan, Italy.
Avieli, L., Friedmann, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (July 2024). Gender differences in implicit and explicit contempt emotion toward 'Femvertising' ads featuring women with significant muscles using different ad formats. Paper presented by Avieli, L. (MBA. student) at the GFMC - Global Fashion Management Conference, University of Milan, Italy.
Avieli, L., Friedmann, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (December 2024). Gender differences in implicit and explicit contempt emotion toward 'Femvertising' ads featuring women with significant muscles using different ad formats.
Present Academic Activities
Submitted for publication
Friedmann, E., Solodoha, E. and Loureiro, S. (2025). Disidentification and Consumer Behavior: The Long-Term Effects of Offensive-Discriminatory Ads and the Need for Ethical Regulation. Psychology & Marketing.
Jain, R., Mahindroo, P. Friedmann, E., Ramkishen Y. (2025). The green appeal: What drives generation z’s sustainable cosmetic purchases in online retail? Journal of Business Ethics.
Avieli, L., Friedmann, E., and Weiss-Sidi, M. (2025). Gender differences in implicit and explicit contempt emotion toward 'Femvertising' ads featuring women with significant muscles using different ad formats. Journal of Advertising.
Rinot Levavi, L.,Cohen, C., Friedmann, E., and Kalagy, T. (2025). Modeling Sustainable Consumption: Integrating Social Networks, Awareness, and the Extended TPB to Reduce Single-Use Plastic Tableware. Journal of Cleaner Production.
Friedmann, E., Weiss-Sidi, M., and Gavious, I. (2025). Breaking or reinforcing barriers? exploring the paradoxical influence of female role models on implicit gender bias in STEM. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Friedmann, E., Klarsfeld, A., Perrier, A., Weiss-Sidi, M., and Cachat-Rosset, G. (2025). Rethinking Telework: Gender Dynamics, Family-to-Work Conflict, Control Loss, and the Need for Cultural Change. Gender & Society.
Research in progress
Friedmann, E., Weiss- Sidi, M., Abu- Siam, S., and Alfayumi-Zeadna, S. (2025). Initial steps for promoting health equity: social marketing strategies to encourage treatment-seeking for post-partum depression in Jewish and Muslim women in Israel.
Friedmann, E., Gutman, G., and Peleg, G. (2025). ‘The Broken Brakes Effect’: Stress and the performance of gender counter-stereotypical behavior (GCSB) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friedmann, E., and Efrat-Treister, D. (2025). The power recovery effect of gender-offensive advertising.
Peleg, G., and Friedmann, E.(2025). Biological sex or gender roles. What makes the differences in purchase decisions between men and women?
Feder-Bubis, P., Friedmann, E., Schwartz, E., and Harblin, I. (2025). A case study of the ripple effects of the “Golden Experts” volunteer program: a holistic assessment of the individual, business, and social change.
Weiss-Sidi, M., and Friedmann, E. (2025). Promoting women’s ventures: Role model use to encourage implicit approach responses among women and investors.